Monday 16 October 2017

Different Commercial Building Inspections Houston To Be Done To Ensure Better Purchase

Buying a property, residential or commercial, involves a lot of money and you should be sure that you are investing in a property that is worth it. For this, you will need to conduct some specific inspections commercial building inspections Houston. A 4 point inspection is compulsory that includes roof, plumbing, electrical and HVAC system. This inspection is essential if you are buying a more than 30-year-old building as the insurance company will require it to quote your insurance. This inspection is for the insurance underwriter especially but you pay for it. 

Air Conditioning And Radon Testing

The home inspector will see that the HVAC system is working properly to its fullest capacity. If there is any problem they will include it in the report and will also inform you about it so that you can call a serviceman to fix it. Radon testing is done by home inspectors and not by structural engineer Houston TX and is important for your health. The report is sent to the health department. This is a 48-hour test done in the closed home with the HVAC system working in a normal range. 

Safety For Your Health

Your health should be the prime concern and therefore conduct Infrared tests as well. This is important to find moisture problems during roof inspections Houston tx, window and plumbing leaks, AC duct leaks as well. Looking for creosote buildup in a fireplace and the cracked firebox is also important as it can start a fire in the chimney. Lead paint is another important inspection that you should conduct.